In order for Florida Youth Soccer Association (“FYSA”) to complete its mission(s) in the education, administration, and development of soccer in addition to public service with unquestionable credibility, it is mandatory that its elected and appointed officer, directors, office staff, state staff coaches, designated committee or task force chairpersons, and consultants (“officers and staff”) maintain the highest level of integrity and credibility in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. Therefore, it is the purpose of this policy to ensure integrity and objectivity and to provide an understanding and awareness of conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived. The very perception of a conflict of interest may reflect adversely on FYSA, irrespective of the actual behavior of the individual. Actual or perceived conflict(s) of interest may cause FYSA officers and staff to lose credibility and may result in FYSA affiliate members and outside observers believing that the FYSA officers and staff act out of self-interest rather than for the benefit of the membership of the organization as a whole.
This policy shall apply to all FYSA officers and staff. An officer is defined as a member who is duly elected or appointed to serve a designated term of office at the state level as defined under FYSA’s Bylaws and/or Rules and Regulations. Staff is defined as employees, committee or task force chairpersons, contract labor or certain consultants hired to serve the interests of the organization.
FYSA officers and staff shall make every effort and take every precaution to avoid any actual or perceived conflict of interest in relation to their FYSA activities and duties and their personal and professional interests. Generally, a conflict of interest exists whenever:
- The interests of officers and staff outside the scope of their work with FYSA may interfere with or compromise their judgment and objectivity with respect to their duties and responsibilities to FYSA.
- Officers and staff whose decisions or actions may influence FYSA decisions or use FYSA resources in a manner that results in:
a. Personal financial gain or financial gain for their immediate family members or business associates and/or
b. An unfair business advantage to a third party.
For Officers, Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and Staff
No officer or staff member of FYSA shall attempt to derive any personal profit or gain, either directly or indirectly, by reason of his/her participation with FYSA. Each individual shall disclose to FYSA any personal interest that he/she may have in any matter pending before FYSA and shall refrain from participation in any discussion and/or decision of such matter.
Any officer or staff member who is an officer, board member, committee member, appointee, stockholder, stakeholder, employee or relative of an employee of a client organization, vendor or affiliate organization of FYSA shall identify his/her affiliation with such entity or entities. Further, in connection with any committee or board action specifically directed to that entity, he/she shall not participate in the discussion
and/or decision affecting that entity, and the decision must be made and/or ratified by the full FYSA Board of Directors.
Any officer or staff member shall refrain from obtaining any list of clients for personal or private solicitation purposes at any time during the term of their affiliation except through FYSA’s bonded mailing house or organization.