Thank you for your interest in being a part of the Florida Youth Soccer Association (FYSA). Whether your organization is new or has been an affiliate member for years, we are excited to partner with you for the upcoming soccer season!
Below you will find all of the necessary information that you will need to submit your application for New Affiliation with FYSA and as well as submitting your Re-Affiliation for existing members for the upcoming season.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the affiliation or reaffiliation process, please contact the FYSA Office at: jcannon@fysa.com
FYSA has two main categories for member organizations: Associate Affiliate and Club Affiliate.
While both categories grant you FYSA membership and support, there are big differences between the two, including the criteria requirements, submission deadlines, and application review processes. Take a look at the chart below to help figure out which category would be best for your organization.
An associate affiliate is an organization formed to advance a particular aspect of soccer to develop or implement programs, or both, but is NOT responsible for recruiting, training, fielding, and registering of players and coaches.
A club affiliate is a soccer club or association that directly registers players and coaches, forms teams, and can coordinate competition between teams
Associate Affiliate Subcategories:
- League– sole purpose is to facilitate inter-affiliate competitions. As an affiliate league 100% of all teams participating in the league must be properly registered with FYSA or US Youth Soccer.
- Tournament Hosting Organization– Hosts tournament format events. Can apply for tournament sanctioning under FYSA (must submit an application for each separate tournament).
Club Affiliate Subcategories:
- Full Affiliate– a club or association that registers players, coaches, and teams. Can coordinate competitions between teams (i.e. host tournaments or in-house league). Can register BOTH recreational and competitive.
- Recreational Affiliate– the same as a full affiliate but can register ONLY recreational and may not develop a competitive program.
Associate Affiliates CAN NOT register players
Applications for associate affiliation may be submitted year round but will only be reviewed at the next BOD meeting 30 days after a completed application is submitted.
Club Affiliates CAN register players
NEW APPLICATION DEADLINE:Â 60 Days prior to the October 26, 2024 (fully completed application must be recieved by August 25, 2024) or March 27, 2025 (fully completed application must be recieved by January 26, 2025) FYSA Board of Directors Meetings.
New Club Affiliate applications are only reviewed twice per seasonal year in October and March.
CLICK HERE for the New Member Criteria Checklist and more information on the application process.
The Agent of Record will submit affiliation renewals and updates directly online. Procedures are in place that will assure that only current affiliates can re-affiliate.
In the case of problem affiliates, the office will notify the appropriate DC of all written complaints received regarding an affiliate so that the BOD can take appropriate action.
This is done per FYSA Rule 104.5: “District Commissioners and Regional Vice Presidents shall report in writing excessive affiliate complaints to the BOD for consideration as to renewal of affiliation.”
With the FYSA office and the DC having copies of all complaints, they can be brought before the BOD at the appropriate time. FYSA gives the power to approve affiliates to the BOD and the EC in emergency situations.
Affiliation Forms and Supporting Documents
Sample Bylaws – Template |
FYSA New Member Entry Requirements |
First Time Request for Affiliation as a Club – Initial Affiliation Form |
First Time Request for Affiliation as a League/Tournament – Initial Associate Affiliation Form |
Request for a Club Merger Form |
Club Name Change Form |
New Member Background Check Link if you have already done a background check under FYSA for the current seasonal year you do not need to complete this |
New Member Registrar Training Agreement |