At the March 28, 2024 FYSA Board of Directors Meeting, the board voted to amend FYSA Rule 401.6 to read:
401.6 TRY-OUTS
Organizations affiliated with FYSA may hold any try-out, player identification, or player assessment activity, related to the formation of teams for the next seasonal year involving players IN ALL AGE GROUPS on or after the date set by the BOD. The statewide try-out date shall be set by the BOD no later than March 1 of the current year. The statewide try-out date shall be no earlier than the first day in May, nor later than the Tuesday following Memorial Day.
Based on the date set by the FYSA BOD, each of the 4 regions will meet and decide if that date works for their affiliates, or if they wish to set a different date that will supersede the statewide date and apply to all affiliates in their Region. No Region may set the try-out date outside the dates mentioned above.
FYSA tryouts for the 2024/2025 season can occur no earlier than May 1, 2024 (unless otherwise specified by the region).
This amendment was made in accordance with FYSA Rule 4002:
4002.1 Rules and Regulations amendments may be submitted and changed in the same manner and procedures as the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws with the following exceptions:
- Majority vote of the general membership present at the AGM for passage.
- Suspended or amended Rules between AGMs by the BOD must be ratified by the general membership at the following AGM.
- Notification of suspension or amendment must be sent to all Affiliates when ratified by the BOD within fifteen (15) days of the action having been taken.